Transform your Digital Enterprise and realize innovation
The unparalleled data generated by IoT devices has the potential to create benefits for product manufacturers, ultimately supporting companies and consumers. SparkNET has developed both mobile and desktop integrations for wearable devices and IOT enabled technology. If you need remote sensors linked to a mobile app, custom web monitoring, or custom drivers we can provide you with the solution. We thrive working on cutting edge technology and we have the expertise to execute top quality solutions.
Immediate Benefits
Access to Sales Data
Sales data collection and analysis is a essential for any business. IoT devices can generate sales data based on how, why, and where products are used and purchased, which helps businesses to strategize their production and marketing efforts. Additionally, the data generates real time insights on consumers and their preferences, which businesses can use to address customer feedback quickly and effectively.
Targeted Customer Service
IoT connects devices like phones, cars, televisions, coffee makers, etc. to one ecosystem. The interconnected devices can then be synced to provide customer data to companies. Through integration of all the data, businesses can gain valuable information on consumers, trends, and preferences to provide personalized and improved service to their customers.
Marketing Automation
Many IoT enabled smart applications, like Apple’s iBeacon, create knowledge about customer’s location, purchase history, preferences, and buying patterns. This allows businesses to find out in real time about where, how, and why products are being purchased. Based on this data, companies can categorize customers and customize marketing efforts by providing information that appeal to their customer’s interests.
Reduced Business Costs
IoT has potential to save a lot of money and time for businesses. Look at the IoT system as a factory where all the devices are interconnected. If an individual product is struggling, the sales team can inform the production department and suggest appropriate changes.
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Applications in Various Industries
According to a Industrial Internet Insights Report, 53 % of global businesses are planning to implement IoT solutions within the next couple of years. IoT is still in its infancy and many potential investment opportunities exist across various industries, such as healthcare, automobiles, and energy.
Data Management
According to a Industrial Internet Insights Report, 53 % of global businesses are planning to implement IoT solutions within the next couple of years. IoT is still in its infancy and many potential investment opportunities exist across various industries, such as healthcare, automobiles, and energy.
New social medial networks
IoT is already compatible with social media networks that allow automated posts, while simultaneously allowing the users of particular devices to connect and create new online communities. Businesses, likewise, have the opportunity to connect with those new communities and take advantage of new emerging trends.
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